M: On independent identity
You can not think when someone else thinks for you, prescribes your actions, or picks the tie you wear to work. You lack opinion and thus you lack identity, and thus you lack a basis to explore the human soul. Without a boat, the river can never be fully known. You can not navigate the far and deep reaches.
M: Killing the self in order to live authentically; De-conditioning the mind
“If you want to understand, really understand the way things are in this world, you’ve got to die at least once. And as that’s the law, it’s bette to die while you’re young, when you’ve still got time to pull yourself up adn start again.”Giorgio Bassani, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis ; Dedication quote in Nobility of Spirit by Rob Riemen.
For me this quote makes me think to killing off my ego, as well as deprogramming myself out of the conditioning that I have been subjected to. Sometimes our social programming is so strong that the only way out is by destroying everything around us–the world we live in is so tightly interwoven that we are unclear as to what is ours and what is theirs.
So we burn it all down. Destroy everything. Kill the life we had in order to rebuild and discover the life we want.