“…we bring playfulness to bear in our social interactions we create a spirit of equality and personal freedom that allows us to overcome our equally human drive to dominate one another.” – Peter Gray
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. […] Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.
– When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.”
Rollo May
“When we adults unite play, love, and work in our lives, we set an example that our children can follow. That just might be the best way to bring play back into the lives of our children—and build a more playful culture.” – David Elkind, Can We Play?
What example are you setting for those in your life?
“Grit is not just simple elbow-grease term for rugged persistence. It is an often invisible display of endurance that lets you stay in an uncomfortable place, work hard to improve upon a given interest and do it again and again.” – Sarah Lewis, PhD
“Play is training for the unexpected.” – Marc Bekoff
“Life is playfulness. We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us.” – Flora Colao
“Heaven take pity on those few of us who try to take play seriously. It’s hard to do. Play, by definition, is something that is not serious. I’m sure that’s part of the reason why most serious scholars stay far away from the topic.” – Peter Gray
“Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen