2010.01.21 On Mimicry and Conditioning

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.

This is the malady of preconceptions. You let someone else think your thoughts and form your opinions. This is the disease of society. This is the great schism all human beings must opt either overcome or fall victim to.

2010.01.21 On the Pitfalls of Admiration

Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding – Aizen, Bleach

When you are so swept up in an emotion such as Admiration you often neglect to question anything being said or done by the object of your attention. You lose your ability to think or see critically, if at all, reality. That is not to say one should not admire another, but never to such a degree that it hinders your ability to think clearly and for yourself.

2010.01.18 Give 100% To Really Learn

Those who have strong passions, create strong self-destructions. – Tara K. Harper

And it is out of fear of that self-destruction and what that might mean that prevents people from living passionately.  Do not fear the future, do not hold the past to be ultimate truth–for the future is not the past, no two people are the same, and with every minute your life is changing.

Live passionately!  Live fully!  Give one hundred percent, surrender yourself to the world, to life, to love.  Only then will you learn anything about yourself.

2010.01 On Speaking Your Mind, Standing Up For Your Ideas, and Communicating Your Needs

“I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. And sometimes it can be that simple, just a little twist in vocabulary that illustrates your attitude and philosophy.” — Jim Rohn

If there is one thing most people fail to learn it is the ability to disagree, to stand up for your own opinion, and to stand up for what you believe in. Once you learn how to speak your mind, strategically, and without fear, you will find that you will come to know yourself.