No Contact

It had been years.
Long years.

So I wont lie.
I swear,
in that final moment we shared:
I lived a thousand lives,
a hundred thousand,
a hundred, hundred thousand.

And there,
I knew all the faces and forms
of what our love could have been–
powerful love
whole love
infinite  love.

But the moment ended

And the path was set
where I would not see you,
nor know our love
in any other shape but

-Cpontrella 2017


That night,
I remember it so clearly.
our appetites were enormous

Creamy words, earthy laughter,
Sweet, small glances
stolen when no one was looking
for our own
private delight.

It was a smorgasbord
and I felt bottomless.

then, the Lovemaking.

A final course, the night-cap.

How else could I describe it?

There are no words.

I have been hungry every since.

-Cpontrella 2017

“While investing deeply in one person, one place, one job, one activity might deny us the breadth of experience we’d like, pursuing a breadth of experience denies us the opportunity to experience the rewards of depth of experience. There are some experiences that you can have only when you’ve lived in the same place for five years, when you’ve been with the same person for over a decade, when you’ve been working on the same skill or craft for half your lifetime. Now that I’m in my thirties, I can finally recognize that commitment, in its own way, offers a wealth of opportunity and experiences that would otherwise never be available to me, no matter where I went or what I did.” – Mark Mason